Assessment and Reporting

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." A.Einstein

We understand that each student learns in different ways and at different rates. As such, assessment is critical in the learning cycle. Teachers spend time throughout the year collecting and analysing data on each student which informs their teaching. Students are involved in the assessment and reporting cycle and they are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning. Teachers use a combination of school-based, system-based and teacher judgement assessments to inform their teaching.

Parents are provided with written reports twice per year as well as parent/teacher conversations at the beginning of each year and student-led conferences mid year. Outside of these formal reporting times, teachers, parents and students meet regularly to review learning goals.


Each year, students compile a portfolio of learning artifacts that are shared with their parents. Students take pride in their learning and relish the opportunity to show their parents what they are working on through the creation of videos, presentations and websites.