Digital Technologies

To understand their world we must be willing to immerse ourselves in that world. We must embrace the new digital reality. If we can’t relate, if we don’t get it, we won’t be able to make schools relevant to the current and future needs of the digital generation. – Ian Jukes

Today’s learners are digital natives and as such must be given the opportunity to use digital tools to create, communicate and collaborate. St Brendan’s provides a safe environment for all students to use digital tools to enhance learning. Students are given the opportunity to select from a variety of digital technologies that best serve their needs. Each classroom is equipped with Interactive Televisions, desktop computers, iPads and chromebooks. Students learn to use Gmail, Google drive and Google Classroom, enabling seamless learning from school to home. Parents are encouraged to view and comment on their children’s learning through platforms such as SeeSaw.

The Discovery Learning Centre (DLC) incorporates STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and a well resourced Library. The DLC is available to all classes and provides an area for students and teachers to experiment, investigate and create through coding, programming and much more.